My programmer's calculator applet has made much progress, however I still can't seem to get it running on the Kindlet. As a matter of fact, even the HelloWorld from this forum doesn't run. When I say ;debugOn and tail-f /var/log/messages, I get these:
Any ideas?!?! Thanks a lot for any replies!!
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: D KindletBooklet:GenericDebug::KindletBooklet#doStart() ViewContentEvent:new-content : Content=app://com.lab126.booklet.kindlet/mnt/us/documents/helloworld.a
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: P Installer:GenericTraceEnter:file=/mnt/us/documents/helloworld.azw2:getApplication()
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: P Installer:GenericTraceEnter:file=/mnt/us/documents/helloworld.azw2:loadAndVerifyApplication()
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: P Installer:GenericTraceLeave:file=/mnt/us/documents/helloworld.azw2:getApplication()
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: I UnknownApplication:SDKUpgradeRequired:DETEvent
120102:091043 cvm[1304]: E KindletBooklet:GenericError::Unloading Kindlet, error = Failed to start Kindlet due to internal error: null, msg = The item you attempted to open is incompatible with this Kindle.